In 2000 the president of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® Lambda Tau Omega Chapter, Sonya L. Bowen envisioned the idea and led the efforts to establish Twenty Pearls Foundation, Inc. (TPF). To bring the concept of TPF to fruition, Ms. Bowen solicited the assistance of Lambda Tau Omega Chapter’s (LTO) charter members. Ms. Bowen and LTO charter members formed an AD Hoc Committee that was led by Ms. Jacqualine F. Scott.
The AD Hoc Committee met, gathered, and reviewed foundation guidelines and structures from other Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® chapters. Also, they examined foundation guidelines from the Internal Revenue Service and the State of Illinois. After thoroughly analyzing all extant data, the Committee developed the purpose, structure, name, bylaws, and logo. Finally, they completed the paperwork to establish Twenty Pearls Foundation, Inc. and presented all the information for the members of Lambda Tau Omega Chapter to review and approve.
On March 2001, Twenty Pearls Foundation, Inc. (TPF), the charitable arm of Lambda Tau Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® became the first far south suburban organization of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® to establish a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation. TPF was governed by a nine member board of directors and Sonya L. Bowen, 30th Central Regional Director of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.®, became the first President of Twenty Pearls Foundation, Inc.
The purpose of Twenty Pearls Foundation, Inc. is to contribute to the Chicago Southland Community through the awarding of scholarships and the promotion of philanthropic programs designed to enhance the health, welfare, and educational development of individuals and families. The Foundation also fosters an appreciation for the arts.
First President
Sonya L. Bowen, the 30th Regional Director of the Central Region of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.®, was the first President of Twenty Pearls Foundation, Inc.
“I’ve watched Twenty Pearls Foundation, Inc. evolve into a thriving non-profit organization that impacts pre-school students, teens, adults, and seniors. Our commitment to the communities in Chicago’s Southland has not and will not waiver.”
TPF’s initial goals:
- Provide after school tutoring and mentoring for underachieving students
- Support local school reading initiatives
- Provide financial assistance to students who are seeking higher education
- Support local organizations through volunteer services and financial assistance annually
- Develop and maintain lifelong partnerships with leading organizations that have common programmatic thrusts and targets
TPF’s final goals:
- Provide financial assistance to deserving individuals who are seeking higher education
- Support local organizations through volunteer services and financial assistance annually
- Maintain lifelong partnerships with leading organizations that have common program goals
Jeanette Rogers
Past Director of Twenty Pearls Foundation | Charter Member of Lambda Tau Omega
Jeanette Rogers
We wanted to have a non-profit organization to further the goals of Lambda Tau Omega chapter. Twenty Pearls Foundation provides programs for the community and scholarships for the teens in the area.